If you have been hurt while on the job, you may be able to receive workers’ compensation to help cover necessary medical care and a portion of your lost wages while you recover from your injuries. One question that may arise when it comes to the Florida workers’ compensation system is whether or not a worker is eligible for benefits if the worker caused his or her own injuries in an accident.
Our legal team at Gordon & Partners further explain eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits. Our initial consultations are completely free and come with no risk or obligation.
Workers’ Compensation is a No Fault System
Florida workers’ compensation is a “no fault” system, which means that you may be eligible to receive benefits even if your injury was self-inflicted. On-the-job injuries are covered by workers’ compensation regardless of who was at fault. Even if your employer played a role in the accident and your injury, you would not be able to take legal action in court if your employer pays for your workplace injuries.
Under state law, employers are required to provide benefits to injured workers in the form of medical expenses, lost wages, and disability and/or death benefits for an injury that occurred during the course and scope of their employment. These benefits will stop once you are able to return to work.
Injuries Covered By Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation often covers workers who suffer from back and neck trauma, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and more. Although self-inflicted injuries may be covered regardless of fault, there are certain situations that may disqualify a worker from receiving benefits.
For instance, incidents caused from acting against company policy may be excluded. This includes workers knowingly refusing to use safety equipment or failing to follow safety regulations, being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol as well as fighting or horseplay. If your misconduct is determined to be outside of your work duties, any injuries caused by it may not be covered.
Request a Free Consultation to Get Started
Receiving workers’ compensation benefits for on-the-job injuries can be more complex than you realize. If you are unsure if you have a valid claim, it is important to get in touch with a qualified attorney who is well versed in workers’ compensation laws and has fought for worker’s rights.
A workers’ compensation attorney from our firm is ready to review your situation and discuss your potential legal options in a complimentary consultation. There is no risk in calling and you are under no obligation to move forward. We do not receive payment unless you obtain benefits.
Gordon & Partners. Free Consultation. Ph: (855) 722-2552.