We understand that a company’s logo is not only recognizable from a distance, its a powerful marketing tool that conveys your approach and overall philosophies. This is why we decided a challenge, outfitted for deserving design students would be the best format to meet our goal. -Attorney, Robert E. Gordon
The logo design challenge is open to all eligible students that are currently attending a design school, college or university in the United States and abroad. Applicants are being asked to create an updated version of Gordon & Partners’s often recognizable gold and blue logo, which has been used for decades.
We understand that a company’s logo is not only recognizable from a distance, its a powerful marketing tool that conveys your approach and overall philosophies. This is why we decided a challenge, outfitted for deserving design students would be the best format to meet our goal, said Robert E. Gordon.
The deadline for applications is October 16, 2015. The winner will receive a $500 grand prize to be dispersed 30 days AFTER the application deadline.
The winner of the logo design challenge is determined solely by the Gordon & Partners selection committee, which does not discriminate in any fashion.
The entire team at Gordon & Partners is excited about the design challenge and looks forward to seeing how design students will refresh the firms logo.