FedEx Truck Accident Lawyer | Truck Accident Attorney | Gordon & Partners

FedEx Truck Accident Injury

The typical American consumer has utilized FedEx services at some point in their lifetime. The majority of Florida residents have gotten in the habit of receiving and sending certified documents, important packages, and all sorts of valuable items and possessions through FedEx. In fact, FedEx covers more than 220 countries and territories throughout the world, helping those within and outside of the United States successfully ship items without worry. As typical consumers, Florida residents expect FedEx to operate both safely and effectively.

FedEx must make use of vast number of trucks, people, facilities, air crafts, and technologies to successfully ship materials across the world. The functionality of all of these entities together allows FedEx to service such a large population. As a result, the health and safety of millions of individuals throughout the world is dependent upon FedEx’s ability to manage its bodies in the most efficient, safe way possible.

Each and every day FedEx delivers approximately seven million packages. Production levels this high require an incredibly organized company. From employees to products and equipment, the company does everything within its power to avoid any FedEx truck collisions. Unfortunately, with more than 75,000 FedEx drivers, motor vehicle collisions are largely inevitable. If you or a loved one has suffered from any injuries following a crash, Gordon & Partners’s Palm Beach FedEx truck collisions attorneys are here to guide you throughout the litigation process.

To learn more about your legal options, please complete a Free Case Evaluation form on this page.

FedEx Truck Collisions Information

As a reflection of the immense importance of many of the activities that FedEx employees are involved in each day, the company has a very strict set of rules and regulations in place to increase safety and reduce the number of FedEx truck collisions, as well as a general reduction of accidents. Important factors such as driver eligibility, plates, permits, insurance, proper packaging, equipment, and all other elements related to shipping, FedEx makes sure to touch upon every element to ensure the proper functionality of the company as a whole.

The qualifications and regulations outlined by FedEx are robust. In general, all provide some level of increased safety in the hopes to help reduce the number of FedEx truck collisions occurring each year within and outside of the United States. At minimum, FedEx truck drivers, referred to as owner operators, must adhere to the following requirements:

  • No more than one moving violation within the last year

  • No moving violations within the last three years

  • Required to have a proper class CDL with HAZMAT endorsement

  • Must pass the Department of Transportation drug and physical test

  • Must have open access to and from Canada for deliveries

FedEx Custom Critical department has the duty of both protecting and monitoring the above requirements and qualifications. FedEx owner operators are also required to carry and purchase work accident insurance. The above requirements help to weed out those drivers who are not qualified to safety operate a FedEx truck. Sadly, there are still a large number of FedEx truck collisions occurring each and every year. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries following a FedEx crash, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation at your earliest convenience to learn more.

National Truck Driving Championships

The American Trucking Association established the National Truck Driving Championships (NTDC) in 2003 in the hopes to raise awareness, increase safety, and encourage accident reduction through friendly competition. Commonly referred to as the “Super Bowl of Safety”, the program is an excellent way to motivate owner operators to maintain an accident-free driving record. FedEx has been an active member of the NTDC since its inaugural year. In fact, many FedEx drivers have been recognized and rewarded for the level of safety in which they bring to the roads that they travel along.

In order to participate in the NTDC, truck drivers must be accident-free for the entire year prior to the competition. Beginning at the state level and advancing to a nation level, those who participate take a strong sense of pride for their ability to drive carefully and keep the roads and highways safe. More so than anything, the NTDC has given the trucking industry a new accountability to continue to increase the safety across the country.

Gordon & Partners is Always for the Injured

Gordon & Partners’s track record speaks volumes about the firm’s role in the Florida community. Throughout our many years of experience, our personal injury law firm has obtained favorable verdicts and settlements for thousands of clients, highlighting how our experience and knowledge allows them to get the compensation that they deserve.

We strongly believe that when another person’s negligence causes harm to you or your loved ones, this at-fault party must be held responsible. This responsibility comes in the form of financial compensation for the suffering in which they have caused to innocent accident victims. With offices in Pembroke Pines, Palm Beach Gardens, and Stuart, we are able to help those in need across the state of Florida. If you or a loved one has suffered due to a trucker’s negligence, our FedEx truck collisions lawyers are here for you.

Fill out a Free Case Evaluation today to learn more.

Gordon & Partners - For The Injured®

Gordon & Partners, P.A.

4114 Northlake Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Phone: 1-561-333-3333

Gordon & Partners - Plantation

8201 Peters Road, Suite 4000
Plantation, Florida 33324
Phone: 1-754-333-3333

Gordon & Partners - Stuart

729 SW Federal Highway #212
Stuart, FL 34994
Phone: 1-772-333-3333